MeckMom’s Teaching Tip: FREE Gospel Art Kit Scripture Stickers

The scriptures are always the best tool to teach kids the gospel – but they can be intimidating for kids to use. When my kids were little I really wanted to help them connect with their scriptures (without spending a ton) so I created these cool, transparent scripture stickers based on the Gospel Art Kit found on

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Here’s a quick video explaining why I created them and how they’ve made a difference in my family’s scripture study.


You can add them to your kids scriptures by following these four easy steps – I made it Pinterest friendly so go ahead, pin your heart out! 🙂

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This year, I completely revamped the original stickers I created back in 2008. I included tons of new pictures from each of the four books of scripture (140 stickers total) and added all the the references and page numbers right on the sheet. I also formatted them to fit perfectly on my favorite peel-n-stick sticker paper so you could skip all the cropping time. They’re so much easier to use now. Here’s a pic of me putting the new set on my son’s scrips while I was waiting to pickup kids in my car. Multi-tasking moms unite. 😉

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You can find all the free downloads and links to purchase my very favorite sticker paper in the scripture study section of my site,

I hope you enjoy using them in your family and your classes…and share them with other free-printable-loving-moms around the world! – Maria

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