YEA! Summer is here so instead of spending your evenings on homework, it’s time for some family games! To mix things up a bit and to create some happy vibes in your home, add some novelty by playing your board games outside – in the dark with flashlights! This will bring a whole new meaning to the word “GAME NIGHT!” Plus, you’ll be increasing your families’ happy juices and here’s why….
A study out of New York shared that when people inject novelty into their relationships by doing new and unique things together, their brains release dopamine – the “feel good” chemical. Doing unique things together as a family not only makes fun memories but it also makes for happier kids and for more love at home. So grab a blanket, some snacks, a board game and some flashlights or lanterns and PLAY!
Consider making your summer Family Home Evenings – gospel game nights. Grab one of your favorite faith based games and head outside. Learning the gospel should be fun and enlightening and it will be with your flashlights shining and their faces grinning. Also, think about making a new summer tradition called the SGN {Sunday Game Night}. Simply make a “SGN” sign and place it in your house for your family to see on the day of game night. SGN can stand for “Sunday Game Night” or “Summer Game Night.” When you post the sign it will create a little anticipation in your kids for what’s in store for them that night!
Pie Face, Connect 4, Ticket To Ride, Code Names, Catan, Pandemic Board Game, Let’s Go Fishin’, Wet Head Game, Hedbanz, Bounce Off, Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Armor of God, Bibleopoly, S.W.A.T {Scripture Study With a Twist}, BIble Taboo, Journey To The Promised Land, Spy It and Noah’s Arkle. You can pick up some of these games at a local Deseret Book or we offer some of them online in our store.