There are times when loving others asks a lot of us. When our own hearts are broken because of the choices of others, it can be difficult to extend our hearts to those who have caused us the pain.
The best description I have found on charity comes from Larry Barkdull…
“All of the gospel learning in the world does not compensate for failure to live without charity. Both Paul and Mormon – two witnesses taught us that without charity we are nothing. Charity is a different kind of love; it is the celestial quality of love — saving love. “Charity is the pure love of Christ,” meaning the type of love that comprises the power of Christ to search out, seek, wait patiently, reinstate and rejoice.”
“True sons and daughter of God test their love against the “even if” list:
I will love you even if you . . . lie.
I will love you even if you . . . steal.
I will love you even if you . . . yell at me.
I will love you even if you . . . abandon your covenants.
I will love you even if you . . . drink, smoke, take drugs.
I will love you even if you . . . commit sexual sin.
I will love you even if you . . . choose an alternative lifestyle.
I will love you even if you . . . leave home and don’t talk with me for years.
I will love you even if you . . . betray me.
I will love you even if you . . . are committed to prison.”

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“We might ask ourselves where our love ceases for a family member. Where does our love cease for a non-family member? Where, would we suppose, does God’s love cease? One of the exacting prices of becoming like God is to learn to love “even if.”
I love the “even if” list and wanted to put it on a little something beautiful to remind me that while loving other’s may not always be easy or pretty, it is how God loves us. He loves us even if…
{I happen to be a big fan of Larry Barkdull’s writing and often refer friends to his blog….}
Happy Valentines!
xoxo April