Hi friends,
Summer time is PERFECT for doing some fun and crazy activities for Mutual. Here are some fun ideas to do just that! These can easily be adapted for Family Reunions as well!
Melanie B.
SageWood Ave. Designs
Hi friends,
Summer time is PERFECT for doing some fun and crazy activities for Mutual. Here are some fun ideas to do just that! These can easily be adapted for Family Reunions as well!
Melanie B.
SageWood Ave. Designs
Don’t forget dear Dad this weekend. It’s his one weekend he gets to shine and be noticed! I did some heavy research and found out a few things your dad and/or husband told me they/he wanted. I’m sharing a free printable with some of these great coupons that came from my excellent sleuthing. Have the kids color or paint them, then cut them out and slip them in his wallet or scriptures to surprise him this Sunday morning. Or maybe send him on a treasure hunt to collect them! He might prefer to just sit on the couch and have the kids run around to collect them. Whichever way, they will be a great gift that he is sure to redeem in the near future! Find all the downloads available HERE!
Image taken from pagingsupermom.com and her post with a line-up of great last minute Father’s Day gifts and family night’s that focus on dear dad.
I also found several great ideas from the Paging Supermom website. I love the game and the cookie prize award! These would go great paired with the above handmade coupons. And the best part? The kids can be a part of the creating! Wrap you arms around Dad’s neck and give him a book of coupons, a prize cookie and a great big kiss!
This guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand-lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her blog at www.aimeeferre.com.
A new client I connected with this past year wanted this scripture found in Mark 5:36 hand-lettered to display her 2016 family motto. I don’t very often have time to work on these types of custom projects, but it was right in between the Christmas holidays and I had a daughter out on a mission at the time of this request. I decided this would greatly benefit her and those families she was teachings as well.
It’s seems like our world is getting exponentially uncertain. And we hear rumblings of so many things that well up fear in our hearts. I know we have reason to be concerned and should have righteous causes in our lives that help us take action against those things seeking to destroy the good all around us. But I also believe there are many reasons to feel confident, full of joy and abundantly happy during our present day.
I love President Hinckley and the legacy he left behind. Who doesn’t really? His voice didn’t cause me to feel fear stricken. He only kindled the fire of hope in every message from the pulpit. Fear can be paralyzing for our actions at times. Maya Angelou once said, “Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Invite one to stay.” Well I invite love and faith to stay, and my belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ will dissipate all fear.
“Be not afraid, only believe” signed prints are available HERE. This listing is received as a physical 8-1/2X11″ print that will be mailed to you. It can also be custom ordered in larger sizes up to a 16X20″.
This guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand-lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her blog at www.aimeeferre.com.
YEA! Summer is here so instead of spending your evenings on homework, it’s time for some family games! To mix things up a bit and to create some happy vibes in your home, add some novelty by playing your board games outside – in the dark with flashlights! This will bring a whole new meaning to the word “GAME NIGHT!” Plus, you’ll be increasing your families’ happy juices and here’s why….
A study out of New York shared that when people inject novelty into their relationships by doing new and unique things together, their brains release dopamine – the “feel good” chemical. Doing unique things together as a family not only makes fun memories but it also makes for happier kids and for more love at home. So grab a blanket, some snacks, a board game and some flashlights or lanterns and PLAY!
Consider making your summer Family Home Evenings – gospel game nights. Grab one of your favorite faith based games and head outside. Learning the gospel should be fun and enlightening and it will be with your flashlights shining and their faces grinning. Also, think about making a new summer tradition called the SGN {Sunday Game Night}. Simply make a “SGN” sign and place it in your house for your family to see on the day of game night. SGN can stand for “Sunday Game Night” or “Summer Game Night.” When you post the sign it will create a little anticipation in your kids for what’s in store for them that night!
Pie Face, Connect 4, Ticket To Ride, Code Names, Catan, Pandemic Board Game, Let’s Go Fishin’, Wet Head Game, Hedbanz, Bounce Off, Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Armor of God, Bibleopoly, S.W.A.T {Scripture Study With a Twist}, BIble Taboo, Journey To The Promised Land, Spy It and Noah’s Arkle. You can pick up some of these games at a local Deseret Book or we offer some of them online in our store.
Hi friends,
Have you seen our Young Women Come Follow Me printable kits? These kits are a great way to enhance your lessons. Each kit comes with different quotes, interactive handouts and activities from the lesson outlines. These kits help you be prepared to have handouts ready for where the Spirit takes you in the lesson. Each kit also comes with an introductory sign that is a great way to visually introduce the lesson to the girls. This month, we are offering all 5 printable lesson kits in a bundled package for $15.00! That is more than $5 in savings vs. purchasing individually. Awesome sauce, right?! You can purchase the bundled package here.
Want a closer look? Here are some favorites from these printable kits:
This printable from the lesson “What is the priesthood?” is great printable to use with the outline on lds.org, “Invite the young women to read the section titled “Priesthood Quorums” on page 125 of True to the Faith. What are the similarities between how Aaronic Priesthood quorums and young women classes are organized? What are the differences? Help the young women see that the women of the Church are organized after the pattern of the priesthood (see Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society [2011], 138).
This printable thank you card is from the lesson “What does it mean to sustain my church leaders?” Using this printable is a great way for the Young Women to live what they are learning. Have the young women thoughtfully think of someone that magnifies their calling. Have them write a thank you card to that person. Also included are circle tags that can be placed on a simple treat (goodie bag, candy bar, cupcake, etc.) to be given with the card.
This fantastic bookmark from the lesson, “How do I receive the power and blessings of the priesthood in my life?”. This is such a powerful quote, and with how colorful and visual it is, the young women you teach are sure to treasure it.
We’d love to hear from you! What do you think about these kits? What have you found most helpful in preparing for your lessons? What do your Young Women most respond to? Let us know in the comments section!
Melanie B.