God, the Father, loves us so much that He sent His Only Begotten Son to earth for us. Anciently and in modern times, there have been rare occasions when He has presented His Son to mortals. Each time He has invited them to “hear Him,” to hear their Savior, their Elder Brother, their Prince of Peace.

Artwork by Joseph Brickey.
Teach Your Family to Hear Him
We’ve prepared a mini lesson and printable kit you might use for personal or home study. At Sugardoodle, we feel it’s important to remind families how important it is to hear Christ, to really hear Him and heed His teachings.
Hear Him: A Message from Antiquity
Three distinct occasions from the scriptures show us God’s invitation to hear His Son. Anciently, in Matthew 17:5, on the Mount of Transfiguration, God the Father presents Christ to Peter, James, and John, saying:” This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”
We again read this admonition in the Book of Mormon when the resurrected Savior appears to the Nephites. At the land Bountiful, they are gathered and hear a quiet voice speaking to them, successively getting louder until the third time repeated. They didn’t understand until God said: “Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name–hear ye him” (3 Nephi 11:7). They finally understood as they watched Christ descend from the heavens and join their midst. They received the same verbal introduction to Christ as did Peter, James, and John.
Hear Him: A Message for Our Day
Fast forward to 1820, when young Joseph Smith prays in earnest in the Sacred Grove of Palymra, New York, to know which of all the religious sects of his day were true. He was told to join none after God the Father appeared with His Son and repeated a similar introduction as in times past: “This is my beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Joseph Smith–History 1:17).
Heed the Call to Hear Him
It is no mistake that God the Father is consistent with His invitation to hear His Son. It’s an invitation with a command. We must hear Him in order to follow His teachings, draw closer to Him, and ultimately return to our Heavenly Father someday. There is no other way.
Hear him isn’t just a phrase. It’s more than a gentle nudging. It’s a message of urgency, a plea from an all-knowing Father who loves us. Will we listen? Will we heed the call?
What Does Christ Tell Us?
Christ teaches us everything that truly matters. You’ll find some of His core messages and teachings in this beautiful kit we’ve compiled with artist Joseph Brickey. Let the artwork and messages inspire you as you discuss with your family what Jesus Christ is telling us, what he’s telling you.
Will You Help Others Hear Him?
Once you are comfortable sharing gospel principles at home, you might share with close friends, especially those to whom you minister. You might display one of the quotes in your workspace. Genuine conversation can ensue as you brighten someone’s day with a small message of hope.
Hear Him Quotes and Printable Artwork
We invite you to view the entire kit in our shop and order all 10 high-quality, designed images and Joseph Brickey artwork, which you may have for personal use and in your role as leader, teacher, or parent.
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