Hi friends,
Today I want to share with you some AWESOME and EASY gift ideas to help make planning primary for next year a BREEZE! In the Sugardoodle Etsy Shop, we have a great Birthday and Gift Pack. This kit includes LOADS of different printables that you can use in SO many different ways! It is also a great way to emphasize the theme throughout the year. Today, I want to show you TEN different ways that these printables can be used, but really, possibilities are endless!
1. “Chews” The Right Gumball Machine
Seriously, how cute is this? And SUPER easy. I consider myself a creative person, but have not been gifted with much ability to “craft.” I whipped this baby up in minutes, and with no tears (which is usually how my “craft” projects end). For this, I bought a plastic ornament, a red cup, and gumballs. I slid a hair band over the red cup to trace where I wanted to cut, cut it, and then cut a small hole for the ornament to go into. I filled the ornament with gumballs and placed it into the cup. To make it more secure, hot glue would probably work:) I then just taped on the 2″ “Chews” the right sticker from the Printable Pack. Easy Peasy. And so stinkin’ cute! My 5 year old has been begging me for it since I made it:)
2. Bottle Caps / Zipper Pulls
For these, I cut out a variety of the 1″ circles from the Printable Pack to make these adorable Bottle caps. These would also work great as zipper pulls.
3. Candy Bar Wrapper
For this cute and easy gift, I simply bought a chocolate bar and wrapped in our “Choose the Right” candy bar wrapper. I then attached the 2″ Happy Birthday Circle.
4. “Chews” the right Gumball Tube with Card
Seriously, kids love gumballs. So I just HAD to do another gift with them. I bought this clear tube at a local craft store and filled it with large gumballs. Then on the front, attached the 1″ “Chews” The Right circle. On the top, I attached a 3/4″ Happy Birthday circle (which you cant see in the pic). You can also include this cute Birthday Card. Using the Birthday card from the kit is a great way to personalize the birthday gift. Write a quick note on the back letting the child know how special they are and why you are glad they are in primary.
5. Mason Jar Goodies
Seriously, who wouldn’t LOVE getting this jar of chocolate goodness? For this gift I used the variety of 3/4″ circles available in the package, cut them and used double stick tape to attach to the bottom of min Reese’s peanut butter cups, Rolo’s, and Hershey Kisses. On the top of the jar, I put one of the 3″ circles available in the kit, and then tied a 2″ birthday circle on.I personally think this is a GREAT gift to give to teachers and leaders. For the children, I would do the same idea, but put less in a treat bag and use one of the Treat Bag Topper Printables available.
6. Treat Bag
Speaking of treat bags…Here is an idea you can use to fill treat bags. The treat bag toppers are 4″, so I just filled 4″ bags with some Hi-Chews and stapled on the Treat Bag Topper available in the Printable Package. I also taped on a 2″ “Chews” the right circle.
7. Pencil and Notepad with Pencil Topper
I love the simplicity of this idea. And kids love pencils and notepads! I just taped on a Choose the Right 2″ circle as a pencil topper and included the birthday card. Done and done.
8. Mini Chocolate Candy Bars
I LOVE this idea! Wrap nugget chocolate bars and place in treat bags, mason jar, or cellophane bag like I did here. I also cut a square around the 2″ circle to top the bag.
9. “Chews” the Right Gift tag with Gum
For this gift, I used the birthday gift tag available in the Birthday Package and taped a package of gum in the middle of it. I then taped a 1″ “Chews” the Right circle to the top of the tag.
10. Pencils with Pencil Toppers
You guys. This. This is my favorite. I mentioned earlier that kids love pencils. Don’t ask me why, but they do. I wanted to show you a FUN way to present the pencils to the kids. I just bought Styrofoam in the shape of a cake, covered it with paper and glued sprinkles onto it. Then, just decorate the top any way you’d like. Arrange the pencils with the 2″ circles used as Pencil toppers throughout the cake. Let the child choose their pencil when it is their birthday and simply re-fill each week. Kids go BANANAS for this! It is SO fun and a great non-candy birthday gift!
There you have it folks! This printable Birthday and Gift Pack can really be used in SO many ways! I hope you have fun making great gifts for your children and leaders.
Melanie B.SageWood Ave. Designs