Heaven is Cheering Us On FREE



Conference Weekend may have passed, but I am remembering the words that have stayed with me… that literally spoke to my soul. I am trying to walk 5 miles each day and try to get at least three of those miles in the morning. Usually I give up by day 2, but this time, I have my Conference Podcasts and my Scriptures on Audio and I have looked forward to MY TIME  for two days now… I am sensing a good habit. This morning I listened to Elder Holland’s talk again and cried as I walked. Crazy huh? When Elder Holland spoke on Sunday Afternoon, I found myself feeling the spirit so strongly. We can do this! We can do hard things. We can be thankful for our blessings. We can help one another on our journey back to our Heavenly Father. I can feel heaven cheering. Please feel free to download this quote for free this week. I hope you enjoy it and place it somewhere in your home to be enjoyed by your family… framed on a wall, taped to a bathroom mirror, child’s room, etc. You can find it here 

Have a wonderful week!  Brenda

Easy and inexpensive Primary birthday gift printable

Once I posted these little darlings in the shop, I knew they would be irresistible. What Primary teacher could stay away from such a perfect little treat wrapped in a ‘scripture-themed’ package?

MM SD CG Scrip Are True Nerds 2 1000x1000-01

Now, the adorable design has been adapted for full-size Nerds boxes as well. This printable gift is the perfect way to wish your primary kids a happy birthday and remind them about the sweetness found inside their scriptures.

Jumbo Bday Nerds 2-01

The best part about these little gifts is that they’re storage-friendly. You could make dozens of them while you have your next presidency meeting and then store them in the Primary closet all year.

Jumbo Bday Nerds 3-01

The printables print three to a page so you for $3.50 (plus candy and paper expenses) you can make countless little boxes of joy. You can find both the large, happy birthday printable and the smaller, primary theme printable in the Sugardoodle Etsy Shop.

Need some tips on making these fast? Click here to see a short video tutorial on how to assemble all of MeckMom’s cute candy grams.

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CHOICES by President Thomas S. Monson

My favorite Conference talk was by President Monson. Though it was short, only 499 words, it said it all…

“As we contemplate the decisions we make in our lives each day – whether to make this choice or that choice – if we choose CHRIST, we will have made the correct choice.”  

The word “choose” was repeated five times – maybe as a gentle reminder from a loving prophet to help us be more conscientious of doing what is right.

I love making beautiful reminders of the lessons I loved most and needed to hear the most from Conference.   A simple CTR sign and my favorite lines from President Monson’s talk have found a new little nesting spot on my office desk.


You can download the FREE print here: [jpg] [pdf]
If you want some other reminders to help you or your family Choose The Right, you can find a host of CTR rings and things in the Sugardoodle Shop.


Enter the code: CTRSPRING (one word, can be caps or lower case) and you will get 25% off! 

xo, April


The Lord Will Do Wonders Among You

SD Heaven is CheeringFinalBlog Pic Heavens are Cheering-01

General Conference is a time for learning.  Learning to love, try, trust, believe and grow.  Isn’t it nice to know heaven is cheering you on?  Forever.  Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s message can be found HERE if you missed it.  It was the last talk of the conference, and probably my most favorite.  And if you don’t want to forget the best part, print off the hand lettered reminder that I created exclusively for Sugardoodle.  It’s available for free,  as a PDF or JPEG, but for a limited time only.



AimeeFerre profileThis guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand-lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her at www.aimeeferre.com.