St. Patrick’s Day Post Roundup

One of the goals of the new Sugardoodle blog is to highlight other LDS bloggers who are posting fantastic ideas, printables and recipes. This week I’m itching to pack up my Valentine decor and get my home in the St. Patty’s spirit. Here are three great posts from a few of the bloggers in our Sugardoodle Creative Network – all designed to help you get your green on!

Shamrock Shutters from

Shamrock Shutters

Leprechaun Cookie Bars & Printable from


Free Printable Lunch Bag Tutorial from


 Are you an LDS blogger, vlogger, or social media influencer? We’d love to get to know you and potentially feature you on a future blog post. Please follow the link below to view our introductory video and fill out a 2-min survey.


MeckMom HeadshotThis guest post was submitted by Maria Eckersley. Maria is a stay-at-home mom of six by day and a sleep-deprived graphic designer by night. You can find more of her ideas and printables on her new site or in her Etsy shop .

Scripture Power FREE or 50% off

LDS Primary 2016I am excited to share the super good news… all of my 2016 Primary theme designs are now 50% off through the end of the year and plenty of them, along with all of the monthly posters are FREE too. You can find them here on or at Designs are also perfect to use within our families and are perfect for adding some SCRIPTURE POWER  into the lives of everyone at home too. I mean really… who ever gets tired of Super Heros?

Have a wonderful week! Brenda



Aimee Proc with Watermark-01With the Visiting Teaching message for the month of February being on Marriage, it also references The Family:  A Proclamation to the World in the message. I thought this week I would simply share the document that I hand-lettered (every.single.word.) a few years back and it’s available in my Etsy shop.  Click here to view.

Big Family Hug,

AimeeFerreSignature vector-tiny

AimeeFerre profile

This guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her at



Fun Family History Activity for Young Men & Young Women Joint Activity or for F.H.E.

(CLICK HERE to download a copy of this file)

The Church is really focusing member’s attention on Family History, and Sugardoodle is here to HELP!

A few months ago Melanie and I were invited to be part of the 2016 Rootstech Family Discovery Day. Our task was to come up with a super fun activity that the youth would love AND that would create some excitement about searching for the deceased.  We came up with a “Find-A-Grave” hunt.  The hunt was so successful that we had lots of youth leaders and stake family history experts stop and ask us for our handout so they could take the activity back to their youth groups, wards and families.

We decided to post the activity and worksheet here on our blog along with a few pointers on how you can do a similar activity.


Give everyone who will be participating the Find-A-Grave hunt a worksheet.  Explain that this is a timed activity. They will need to go onto and search for each name on their worksheet.  They then record the date they died, what invention they created and one simple fact {for instance where they were buried}. Whoever finishes first is the winner.


~ You can do this as teams, sharing cell phones at your ward building or home.

~You can do this as a scavenger hunt where you divide the youth into groups and as a team they drive with a leader to a designated house in the ward. There they hunt online for 3 of the graves. They then drive to another designated house and search for the other 3 graves. First team back to the chapel wins! *This is fun to include other families in your ward in the hunt when you use their computers. It’s a great way to get you ward family involved.

We would love to hear what fun things you have done to foster a love for Family History in your ward and family so we can post them on our blog.  Please email us at

xo, April


Add a little super power to your Scripture Study

Sometimes scripture study needs a little boost. What better way to keep kids on track with their scripture goals this a simple printable…chock-full of scripture power?

MeckMom Super Suckers 3

Bold, bright and easy to assemble, they’re the perfect addition to your next Primary sharing/singing/class time or as a sweet incentive in your family scripture study. But don’t take our word for it. Check out the latest review from Mary, a Primary Chorister in Heber, Utah…

“These were a BIG hit in my singing time/scripture chase activity! The kids thought they were SO cool and such a fun way to reinforce the theme of the year! I was afraid they’d be time-consuming to construct, but they were very easy to cut and looked awesome without much effort! I’d totally make them again!”

The super suckers come in two sets: red, green, blue, yellow or pink, purple, aqua, yellow. You can find them in the Sugardoodle Shop for only $3.50 each.

MeckMom Super Suckers 2

Have a fabulous week! -Maria