Hi friends,
I wanted to share with you this AWESOME printable kit that can help with introducing the 2017 LDS Mutual theme. The theme this year comes from James 1:5, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
I believe this theme is TRULY so inspired! There are so many different aspects of this profound and simple message. As I thought about what to design to go along with this theme, the quote from Sister Julie B. Beck kept coming to mind, “The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life.” I absolutely LOVE this quote, and think that it ties in PERFECTLY with the theme for this year. I decided to create this kit based on this quote, tying in the acronym, “ASK = Acquire Spiritual Knowledge,” and using a light bulb to represent knowledge.
The miracle of technology has absolutely changed the way we ask questions, and how we receive answers. Most of the time, if we have a question, the answer can be easily found at our fingertips via the internet. But spiritual questions cannot be asked or found answered the same manner. These questions have to be asked in faith, and received by personal revelation.
You can use the theme of “ASK – Acquire Spiritual Knowledge” in SO many ways. I like the idea of introducing the theme at the beginning of the year, and then enforcing the theme throughout the year with special firesides or 5th Sunday Lessons. This way, you can focus on and highlight different aspects of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge. (Prayer, Faith, Scripture Study, Temple Attendance, journaling to name a few). I created a few printables quotes that coordinate perfectly and can be used throughout the year as handouts, or can be used as decoration in your YW rooms.
“Pray, He is there. Speak, He is listening.” – I LOVE this line from “A Child’s Prayer” and has been a great source of comfort during so many different times in my life. I think this quote PERFECTLY embodies what it means to Ask of God, Ask in Faith.
“Believe, Nothing Wavering” – This quote comes from the second verse of the theme for the year, and it has profound meaning in so few words.
“Fourth Floor, Last Door” – I think this was my FAVORITE quote from last General Conference! It comes from Elder Uchtdorf’s talk from Women’s Session. This quote hit home for me, and knew that I needed to have this quote included in this kit.
Each of us has either had very personal experiences with these quotes, or know someone who does. Our youth NEED to hear these experiences. Where appropriate, SHARE them! Invite others to share them with your youth! I believe the more that our youth hear DIFFERENT ways that others have Acquired Spritual Knowledge and subsequently how they have received personal revelation, the more they will be able to recognize how the spirit speaks to them in their own lives.
Along with the quotes, this kit comes with LOADS of additional coordinating printables to help enforce the theme including a Banner, YW Values Posters, YW Theme Poster, Gift Tags, Refreshment Toppers, Food Tent Labels, Treat Bag Toppers and SO MUCH MORE! You can find this printable kit here.
I have LOVED creating this kit for you, and hope that it helps inspire you to ASK – Acquire Spiritual Knowledge.
Melanie B
SageWood Ave. Designs