All Photos by Amy Little
Are you with me for the next 10 days? The Easter Advent for Holy Week starts today! Do not worry if everyday doesn’t follow the outline exactly, do what you feel your family needs. For today, you’ll need your print out of the 5X7 Hosanna print and create your Hallelujah garland if you are choosing to display this piece. The garland can take up to a couple of hours, so try to get some little hands to help you out with the cutting. If you ordered the main kit from HERE, the leaves are printed on 8-1/2 X 11 yardstick, but keep in mind, the palm leaves and letters are also available in a larger kit sold separately HERE. These are to be printed on 12X18″ cardstock.
The first day (today) outline shares the scriptures from the Easter story, a couple of online videos and 3 discussion questions to ponder. Prepare in advance your own thoughts before you try to facilitate this. After the devotional, decide as a family, a time each night and write it on the calendar for the next 10 days of when the family devotionals will start. Whether it is the same time each day right before bedtime, or a different time each day alternating in the morning or evening, depending on the family’s schedule. Post the time in a visible place so everyone knows when the family will gather. Maybe you put a sign on the fridge or pantry door, but make it easy to spot. Just a reminder to tailor to your family’s schedule and needs. I am going to combine a few lessons, because I won’t be starting our family advent until Monday, when my daughter returns home from her mission (squeal!)
A word about Easter baskets: I spoke to Maria (MeckMom and a contributor here at SugarDoodle) the other day, and she shared with me that her family is doing Conference Baskets instead. I loved that idea. Her children can get their treats and treasures that first Saturday morning in April and watch conference with a firm grasp on the goodies. My youngest daughter was standing by me as the conversation with Maria was going on, and she panicked that I might not be giving baskets altogether. Of course, it’s been one of her favorite tradition! I explained to her that our family would have a different kind of Easter experience this year, and that I was not cutting out the springtime fun, just changing the time of when we do them. And for the record, June was totally fine when I explained to her she would still be getting a spring basket in April, so no big deal. I just thought I might share this idea with you to consider in regards to the Easter basket dilemma.
Fee; free to join with us and share your Easter Advent activities that you are doing with your family on social media. Share photos on our Facebook page if something works really well with your family. We would love to see what you are doing. Share on Instagram using the two hashtags: #Hallelujah #SDEaster.
I have felt a pure peace with the activities outlined and the scriptures listed in this project, if only for the benefit of my own family. But I know as you study the Savior in the days to follow, your family will gain a stronger testimony of His purpose and mission on the earth. And in turn they will love Him more as their Savior and and accept Him as their Redeemer.

This guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand-lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her at aimeeferre.com.