I wanted to share with you one of my favorite ideas that I found on Oh Happy Day. It’s simple, easy and memorable, but I love most how it makes them feel when they open the box… loved! (and it isn’t a sweet treat which is good in this overloaded sugar world we live in). Can you tell it’s week two of my eating clean and healthy?
Simply fill your favorite balloon(s) with helium (or just blow them up with air) and put inside of a box. Leave on porches, mail them to grandkids and loved ones. Perfect for not only Valentines, but birthdays & special days… Kids will love to play with them for days! Can’t find heart shaped balloons? No worries. Round ones make them feel just as special XOXO.
Have a wonderful Valentines Day. This is a good weekend to look around you and see who may need a lift of friendship with a visit, a phone call or a balloon.
Take care, Brenda