(CLICK HERE to download a copy of this file)
The Church is really focusing member’s attention on Family History, and Sugardoodle is here to HELP!
A few months ago Melanie and I were invited to be part of the 2016 Rootstech Family Discovery Day. Our task was to come up with a super fun activity that the youth would love AND that would create some excitement about searching for the deceased. We came up with a “Find-A-Grave” hunt. The hunt was so successful that we had lots of youth leaders and stake family history experts stop and ask us for our handout so they could take the activity back to their youth groups, wards and families.
We decided to post the activity and worksheet here on our blog along with a few pointers on how you can do a similar activity.
Give everyone who will be participating the Find-A-Grave hunt a worksheet. Explain that this is a timed activity. They will need to go onto Find-A-Grave.com and search for each name on their worksheet. They then record the date they died, what invention they created and one simple fact {for instance where they were buried}. Whoever finishes first is the winner.
~ You can do this as teams, sharing cell phones at your ward building or home.
~You can do this as a scavenger hunt where you divide the youth into groups and as a team they drive with a leader to a designated house in the ward. There they hunt online for 3 of the graves. They then drive to another designated house and search for the other 3 graves. First team back to the chapel wins! *This is fun to include other families in your ward in the hunt when you use their computers. It’s a great way to get you ward family involved.
We would love to hear what fun things you have done to foster a love for Family History in your ward and family so we can post them on our blog. Please email us at april.sugardoodle@gmail.com
xo, April