December 1st is the official worldwide day of service. To kick things off, I thought I’d share my simple solution for encouraging service at home. I call them service stars. They’re quick, easy and pretty darn adorable.
I’ve never been much of an advent girl. We have three birthdays and a ton of family/school events throughout the month of December so I inevitably fall behind on any daily plan. I designed these service stars to help my family remember to #LIGHTtheWORLD this month without the pressure of daily projects. Watch the video below for all the details.
To make them, you’ll just need some paper, scissors and a hot glue gun. You can find the cute, little free fortune strip printable here on Sugardoodle by clicking here. This 5-min instruction video will give you all the tips and tricks to making your own set.
To watch the beautiful video and service campaign that inspired these free kits hop on over to and get involved! To find out more about the 3 service-inspired kits featured here on Sugardoodle just click the pics below. Merry Christmas!