Tag Archives: Free printables

#Hallelujah: A FREE scripture-inspired Easter decoration kit from Paging Supermom

Sugardoodle has partnered with six fantastic artists to help promote the 2016 Mormon.org Easter video, Hallelujah (launching 3/13/2016 at Easter.Mormon.org). Each of our artists have created their own free kit of printable Easter supplies for your family to enjoy.

The fourth fabulous Easter kit is from Bettijo B. Hirschi of PagingSupermom.com. She has brought the Easter table to a whole new level with her brilliant idea to incorporate the Easter story into your decorating. Here is a quick video from Bettijo chatting about why she created this beautiful kit.


All of the printables and instructions are completely FREE however you won’t find them here on Sugardoodle. Instead, we’ve shared them with some of our favorite LDS bloggers and site owners. They’ve each put their own spin on Bettijo’s creations and posted all the FREE printables on their own sites. You can find them by visiting the #Hallelujah main page and clicking on one of the Supporting Site links. The list launched yesterday and is growing daily so be sure to check back often.


We love the Easter season and all it represents. We hope this series of free posts and printables will help your family get a little closer to the Savior and to each other over the next few weeks.

Please reach out on social media platforms and share our kit maker’s creations with others. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #hallelujah so you can help promote the beautiful message of the Mormon.org video on your own feeds.

We want to give a big thank you to Bettijo for her fabulous kit, the supporting site owners for reposting all her hard work, and to you for posting/pinning/tweeting about them. Happy Easter everyone!

#Hallelujah: A FREE hand-lettered Easter kit from Melissa Esplin

Sugardoodle has partnered with six fantastic artists to help promote the 2016 Mormon.org Easter video, Hallelujah (launching 3/13/2016 at Easter.Mormon.org). Each of our artists have created their own free kit of printable Easter supplies for your family to enjoy.

The second fabulous Easter kit is from Melissa Esplin of MelissaEsplin.com. Melissa has used her amazing calligraphy skills to create a trio of perfect Christ-centered printables. Here is a quick video from Melissa chatting about why she created this gorgeous kit.


All of the printables and instructions are completely FREE however you won’t find them here on Sugardoodle. Instead, we’ve shared them with some of our favorite LDS bloggers and site owners. They’ve each put their own spin on Mandy’s creations and posted all the FREE printables on their own sites. You can find them by visiting the #Hallelujah main page and clicking on one of the Supporting Site links. The list launched today and is growing daily so be sure to check back often.

#Hallelujah INTRUCTIONS_OVERVIEW Melissa Esplin

We love the Easter season and all it represents. We hope this series of free posts and printables will help your family get a little closer to the Savior and to each other over the next few weeks.

Please reach out on social media platforms and share our kit maker’s creations with others. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #hallelujah so you can help promote the beautiful message of the Mormon.org video on your own feeds.

We want to give a big thank you to Melissa for her hand-crafted kit, the supporting site owners for reposting all her hard work, and to you for posting/pinning/tweeting about them. Happy Easter everyone!

#Hallelujah: A FREE kid-friendly Easter advent from Sugar Bee Crafts

Sugardoodle has partnered with six fantastic artists to help promote the 2016 Mormon.org Easter video, Hallelujah (launching 3/13/2016 at Easter.Mormon.org). Each of our artists have created their own free kit of printable Easter supplies for your family to enjoy.

The first fabulous Easter kit is from Mandy Beyeler of Sugar Bee Crafts. Mandy has created an 8-day Easter advent loaded with activities, recipes, scriptures and so much more. Here is a quick video from Mandy chatting about why she created this family-friendly kit.


All of the printables and instructions are completely FREE however you won’t find them here on Sugardoodle. Instead, we’ve shared them with some of our favorite LDS bloggers and site owners. They’ve each put their own spin on Mandy’s creations and posted all the FREE printables on their own sites. You can find them by visiting the #Hallelujah main page and clicking on one of the Supporting Site links. The list launched today and is growing daily so be sure to check back often.

Sugar Bee Crafts Kit

We love the Easter season and all it represents. We hope this series of free posts and printables will help your family get a little closer to the Savior and to each other over the next few weeks.

Please reach out on social media platforms and share our kit maker’s creations with others. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #hallelujah so you can help promote the beautiful message of the Mormon.org video on your own feeds.

We want to give a big thank you to Mandy for her lovely kit, the supporting site owners for reposting all her hard work, and to you for posting/pinning/tweeting about them. Happy Easter everyone!

Wizard of Oz – ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ Free Printables

Last year, our YW leaders did the most amazing YW in Excellence centered on the Wizard of Oz theme, ‘There’s No Place Like Home’. This past weekend, I overheard some YW leaders discussing their new camp theme ‘There’s No Place Like Camp’ and realized how fun this theme could be for virtually any YW activity.

It seems like Pinterest agrees. One quick search this morning and I found hundreds of ideas.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 11.42.27 AM

Today, I thought I’d share a few of the fun printables I created to go along with the theme. You can use them to decorate your girls camp, jazz up your refreshment table at YW in Excellence or liven up your next New Beginnings. The possibilities are endless.

Cupcake Topper Pic Wizard of Oz-01

MeckMom Wizard of Oz Cupcake Toppers

These printables are FREE to Sugardoodle Blog followers. However, they will expire in just seven short days (thru March 7th)! After that, they will be moved to the Sugardoodle Shop (along with their accompanying posters and invitations).  So go ahead, grab these awesome freebies while you can.

MeckMom Wizard of Oz Sample Decorations on Wood GRAND-01

MeckMom Wizard of Oz Decoration Set

Link to: There’s No Place Like Home Cupcake Toppers
Link to: There’s No Place Like Home Pennant Banner
Link to: There’s No Place Like Home Water Bottle Wraps
Link to: There’s No Place Like Home YW Value Tents

MeckMom HeadshotThis guest post was submitted by Maria Eckersley. Maria is a stay-at-home mom of six by day and a sleep-deprived graphic designer by night. You can find more of her ideas and printables on her new site MeckMom.com or in her Etsy shop .

Strengthen Your Core

Be Found Doing the Work of the Lord!

Be Found Doing the Work of the Lord!

Last week a friend and I worked out together at the gym. While we sat rowing away we shared our 2016 goals. I confided that I didn’t make my typical long list this year. I decided to just focus on the core. She asked what I meant….

I shared that this year instead of writing out a list of new goals, I just adopted a simple mantra… I want to be found doing the work of the Lord. Whether it’s lifting other’s spirits, forgiving more quickly, doing more serious scripture study or being more consistent about my temple attendance. The central or most important part of my daily living will be to focus on the core teachings of the prophets.

To help me remember to consistently attend the temple, I created a temple attendance chart so I could have a visual reminder to help me get there every month.  To help me remember to focus daily on the core, I’ve added planks and sit-ups whenever I exercise — my physical reminder to strengthening my core in 2016!

I love sharing printables and hope that this one will help you strengthen your core as you do the work of the Lord.


Click to Download Here {pdf}

Click to Download Here {image}

xo – April