Tag Archives: paging supermom

Featured bloggers for the Easter Kit from Paging Supermom

As all of you know, we at Sugardoodle have been trying to spread the beauty of the mormon.org Easter video this season. We reached out to six amazingly talented women to create a series of free printable Easter kits to support the campaign.

Over the past few weeks some of our favorite bloggers have been posting about the kits and their own Christ-centered family traditions. There were tons to choose from but we wanted to introduce you to a few of our favorite posts from each kit. We hope you click over, read their posts, comment and get inspired to bring more meaning to your family’s Easter.

Featured Bloggers from Kit #1: Easter Advent from Paging Supermom

Make Life Lovely-01Make Life Lovely
See how perfect Bettijo’s printables look atop her lemon cupcakes and on her Easter party favors

Laura is the creative mind behind Make Life Lovely, a creative blog where she shares parties and party ideas, DIY projects, crafts, recipes, and more. Her work has been published in multiple magazines, a party ideas book, and has been featured on MarthaStewart.com, Buzz Feed, Huffington Post, Redbook Magazine, Country Living, Babble, and more. She lives in San Diego, CA with her husband and four kids.


Kiwi in the Clouds-01Kiwi in the Clouds
Check out her beautifully set table with berry baskets full of items to teach the Easter story.

The Kiwi in the Clouds is a place to discover creative solutions for the modern mom. I help moms live a creative life without spending a ton of time thinking about the process. I provide nursery design inspiration, great gift ideas, tons of free printables and a sprinkling of parenting advice along the way!


LDS Youth Leadership-01LDS Youth Leadership
Click over to see how you can 
incorporate two #hallelujah kits into your YM & YW activities

Heather is a young women leader, blogger, wife and mother of two daughters. She writes about her passion for teaching youth leadership skills at ldsyouthleadership.com. Her top posts titles include: Why Your Youth Aren’t Buying in to the Program (and Why it Might Be Your Fault) and 7 Steps to Planning a Successful New Beginnings.

There are so many other wonderful bloggers participating in this campaign. Please click over to the #hallelujah main page to see the full list and get links to the kit maker’s posts.

Are you a blogger or social media influencer? Do you want to be alerted when we have new projects like this in the works? Click HERE to join our Sugardoodle Creative Network.

#Hallelujah: A FREE scripture-inspired Easter decoration kit from Paging Supermom

Sugardoodle has partnered with six fantastic artists to help promote the 2016 Mormon.org Easter video, Hallelujah (launching 3/13/2016 at Easter.Mormon.org). Each of our artists have created their own free kit of printable Easter supplies for your family to enjoy.

The fourth fabulous Easter kit is from Bettijo B. Hirschi of PagingSupermom.com. She has brought the Easter table to a whole new level with her brilliant idea to incorporate the Easter story into your decorating. Here is a quick video from Bettijo chatting about why she created this beautiful kit.


All of the printables and instructions are completely FREE however you won’t find them here on Sugardoodle. Instead, we’ve shared them with some of our favorite LDS bloggers and site owners. They’ve each put their own spin on Bettijo’s creations and posted all the FREE printables on their own sites. You can find them by visiting the #Hallelujah main page and clicking on one of the Supporting Site links. The list launched yesterday and is growing daily so be sure to check back often.


We love the Easter season and all it represents. We hope this series of free posts and printables will help your family get a little closer to the Savior and to each other over the next few weeks.

Please reach out on social media platforms and share our kit maker’s creations with others. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #hallelujah so you can help promote the beautiful message of the Mormon.org video on your own feeds.

We want to give a big thank you to Bettijo for her fabulous kit, the supporting site owners for reposting all her hard work, and to you for posting/pinning/tweeting about them. Happy Easter everyone!