Tag Archives: Teaching Teens

Teaching Teens About Personal Revelation

Most teens (and many adults) struggle with understanding personal revelation. It’s one of those tricky topics that can actually make us feel inadequate and disconnected from our Father in Heaven, rather than closer. This teaching tip focuses on helping teens understand what the Holy Ghost prompts us to do/become…rather than just how it feels.


You can find the links to the scriptures I mention below:

Galatians 5:22 – The Fruit of the Spirit…

D&C 11:12 – Trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good…

Mosiah 3:19 – For the natural man is an enemy to God…

Moroni 7:16 – Everything which inviteth to do good and to persuade you to believe…

The quote about fleeting thought is from President Eyring’s April 2016 Conference Address, Trust in That Spirit Which Leadeth to Do Good. It’s a beautiful address and you should hear every word of it! Here’s the link to the full talk. The quote I refer to is listed below.

“The Lord said, “And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit” (D&C 11:12).

You may have received that blessing tonight. For instance, a name or a face of someone in need may have come to your mind during this meeting. It could have been only a fleeting thought, but because of what you heard tonight, you will pray about it, trusting that God will lead you to do the good He wants for them. As such prayers become a pattern in your life, you and others will be changed for the better.”



Maria Eckersley is a graphic designer and stay-at-home mom of six. You can find more of her teaching tips on her site, MeckMom.com and her YouTube channel Maria Eckersley.

Love Those You Teach: Get to know the teens in your class with this easy FREE printable

Whether you love to teach or dread it, holding a teaching calling is inevitable in our church. Here at Sugardoodle we’re going to focus our Monday posts on helping you tackle one of the hardest and most rewarding of all callings…being an influential teacher.

Teen teaching is particularly tricky. It’s often hard to get them warmed up enough to talk…let alone share something meaningful. Today I’m sharing a favorite tool for getting to know the students in my classes. This free printable questionnaire can help kick-start conversations and help you understand your class on an individual level.


You can find the FREE teen questionnaire printable by clicking the link below.

FREE Teen Questionnaire Printable (PDF with two size options)