Tag Archives: video tip

MeckMom’s Teaching Tip: FREE Gospel Art Kit Scripture Stickers

The scriptures are always the best tool to teach kids the gospel – but they can be intimidating for kids to use. When my kids were little I really wanted to help them connect with their scriptures (without spending a ton) so I created these cool, transparent scripture stickers based on the Gospel Art Kit found on LDS.org.

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Here’s a quick video explaining why I created them and how they’ve made a difference in my family’s scripture study.


You can add them to your kids scriptures by following these four easy steps – I made it Pinterest friendly so go ahead, pin your heart out! 🙂

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This year, I completely revamped the original stickers I created back in 2008. I included tons of new pictures from each of the four books of scripture (140 stickers total) and added all the the references and page numbers right on the sheet. I also formatted them to fit perfectly on my favorite peel-n-stick sticker paper so you could skip all the cropping time. They’re so much easier to use now. Here’s a pic of me putting the new set on my son’s scrips while I was waiting to pickup kids in my car. Multi-tasking moms unite. 😉

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You can find all the free downloads and links to purchase my very favorite sticker paper in the scripture study section of my site, MeckMom.com.

I hope you enjoy using them in your family and your classes…and share them with other free-printable-loving-moms around the world! – Maria

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MeckMom’s Teaching Tip: Easy Object Lesson on Prayer and Obedience

I’m a big believer in object lessons. They help settle the class, catch their interest and reinforce the idea that the gospel principles are woven into the world around us. This week, I’m sharing one of my favorite quick and easy object lessons on looking for help in the right places.


For more object lessons about obedience and finding help through the right sources, check out these great posts.

Sodas, Slushies, and Spiritual Consequences from LDS.org



Is Your Faith as Tough as Nails from EntitledtoRevelation.com


Teaching Tip: How to Organize a Lesson Plan

Planning a lesson can be an overwhelming task. There is so much content to choose from that it can be really difficult to know where to start…especially for young teachers.

My latest teaching tip will help you focus your study and jot down notes for all the key areas of a great lesson. Check out the video below to see how it works.


You can find the inexpensive printable lesson templates on the Sugardoodle Etsy shop. Click here to hop over and grab a copy for yourself.